Thursday, June 17, 2010

New hair style help please? picz included!?

okay,I know these pics are ugly but deal with it please.

I want to cut my hair in a emo/punk/scene way but I dont know how to explain it or what would look good on me.

I want to keep it long but want a style to it.

I am also allowed to get streaks so..yeah..

please include pics in your answer or explain it really well.


(old pic to show my color)

(what I look like)

(those are just my bangs showing)

New hair style help please? picz included!?

Ok.......Is that your real color? If yes you have pretty hair. Ok first of all cut your hair with bangs. Try lots of layers. Emo/punk/scene kind of suites you.

You look like Michelle Trachtenberg

Pick me as Best Answer? Yes?

New hair style help please? picz included!?

yeah,well your not ugly...i love your should highlight your hair into a blonde color...i love colors that go with blonde and red....that's so cool...that's my style! you should never cut your hair....i like it long!

hope this helps


New hair style help please? picz included!?

wow you have nice lips.and you look like my friend stacey a bit. the one on the right.getting sidetracked sorry ^_^


this might look good on you, but the black should be dark brown for you

or this one

try this site

they have good hair pics

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